Friday, December 18, 2009

Ready to Start Hatching!

Its almost time to start hatching! For this year I have made some upgrades to my Incubator, including a new viewing window, new door seal and a new Thermometer/Hygrometer. Hopefully if all goes accordingly I should have my first batch set by the 22nd of December. The hens are starting to lay, slowly. The weather isn't helping matters, it's been cold barely getting out of the teen's at night and 30's during the day. Not good temperatures for egg laying.

I'm still taking orders for the Spring season in White Leghorn, LB Dutch and Black Leghorn. I should have shipping available in the spring.

We have two due dates for our Dairy does this year. Our first doe DeeDee will be due on February 22nd-25th. Our second doe Gabby on March 25th-28th. Both does are breed to Jack our Oberhasli buck. Keep an eye out for baby goat pictures in February and March!
The Incubator and Brooders.

New Viewing window.

Temporary Brooders.

These two little LB Dutch chicks are the chicks that hatched on Thanksgiving Day. Looks like it's a Cockerel, "Lee" and a Pullet, "Donna".

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I woke up this morning with this beautiful Dutch chick! A little story behind this chick: I set four eggs under a silkie hen on the 2nd of Nov. Hoping that with some luck the eggs would hatch. One of those eggs was a pullet egg, and I know most people don't hatch from pullet eggs but I was trying to set as many as possible. Well the eggs were due to hatch on the 22-23rd of Nov. Unfortunately, the silkie hen stopped setting on the 20th day, leaving me to put the eggs in my Incubator. I waited and waited and on the 24th day I decided they weren't going to hatch. So I started to pull the eggs out when I heard it! The eggs were peeping!

Well, needless to say sometime this morning this little chick hatched against all odds, being from the pullet egg. Amazing!

Not only did I get a beautiful baby chick, I also had to make a run to the store for some Ice and what did I see in the Car Wash?! 2010 CAMARO!!!!
So much to be greatfull for today!

Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fluffy Bunny!!

Why I love my English Angora Rabbits?!

Need I explain more......LOL!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Taking Orders for 2010 Hatch Bantams!!!

I am now taking orders for 2010 hatch bantams in:

SC White Leghorn

Limited Quantities in:

Light Brown Dutch
SC Black and Blue Leghorn (Very Limited)

I do offer discounts for 4-Her's. I should have shipping available in the spring.

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or comments.

Visit my Website for Pictures.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Show Results From Lucasville Ohio Poultry Show, October 3-4th, 09.

Well, the show results are in from the Southern Ohio Poultry Breeders Show in Lucasville Ohio, October 3-4th 2009. A great show, good judges, and welcoming staff! Congratulations to all the exhibitors!

All the Pictures are up on my website, help save load time on my blog.

Blue Run Bantams

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering September 11th.

This Day is dedicated to remembering all those who gave there lives on September 11th. We will never forget. God Bless America!

9/11, September 11 MySpace Comments and Graphics

9/11, September 11 MySpace Comments and Graphics

Monday, August 24, 2009

LB Dutch Cock

Just a couple of pictures of my LB Dutch Bantam Cock. I can't wait to get him in his first show in October!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oberhasli Doe!

I finally got an Oberhasli Doe! This is Camille, she is an 3 month old American Oberhasli. I purchased her from Indigo Run Oberhasli, the same breeder I purchased our buck Jack from.

Here is our Alpine/Kiko doe, DD and our Alpine/Oberhasli doe, Gabby. I'm really excited to breed both these does this year.

Here are the English Angora rabbits. We know have 7, a doe, buck and five kits.

Monday, July 27, 2009

We have Horses!

We have horses!
We had been looking into getting some horses for a long time, but the price of getting good stock was just beyond our reach. I had taken ridding lessons as a child, and my sister is currently. We both love horses and have never had any of our own. A couple of weeks ago we got an offer to take some horses, since the owner needed to reduce the herd. She said that they would be free to a good home. I figured, "free"?! Meaning something is probably wrong with But to my amazement they are both sound and quality horses. The Dark Bay gelding is a Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred cross, and the chestnut mare is a Quarter Horse. The gelding is very tall, I would say close to 16hh and very gentle. The mare is shorter probably 15hh but very smart, and a lot of cow horse potential. Both are still green but are learning very quickly. We are sending the mare off for professional training in August and the gelding will follow after.

Here are some pictures I took today!

Here is Jack, our Oberhasli Dairy Buck. He was curious as to what we were doing with the horses and I couldn't resist a picture.

Yesterday I was out feeding the chickens some scraps, when I found a pair of mating Monarch butterflies. I got a couple of good pictures considering the camera I'm using is not very good. (Never by a Kodak). While I was in the garden a female Ruby Throated Hummingbird landed not 5 inches from me on some cattle wire. I didn't have time to get a picture though........*sigh*

This is my grandparents Jack Russel, she is such a ham!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Flood Plains!

Our lovely flood plain! We had a nasty storm come through on July 11, 2009. A local town had some minor damage due to a tornado. The main reason for the flooding besides the rain was that our culvert got clogged and therefore the water backed up. Thank Goodness there was only minor damage and loss.

*sigh* I hate our Culvert.

Dad's truck, it moved forward about 3 inches.

My grandfathers car, if flooded up to the front door.

This is after the water started to go down, by the front door.

There is a driveway somewhere.

Stupid weather, my car moved 6 inches forward. If it had got any higher it would have ended up in the culvert in front of it.

Mom's didn't go

The barn and the side of the house.

It flooded 6 inches in the barn, all our hay was on palates, the bottom row got wet. All the stalls are wet and will have to be cleaned, Grr

The aftermath, all the road is a solid sheet of mud.


Debri, that washed in.

All those cross-ties, the were laying up against the driveway. Almost lost them.

About two hours later, the water is still flowing.

We moved all the cars in case it rained again.

The lawnmower is ruined.

Driveway is all washed out.

This is how high it got up next to the house.