Thursday, September 11, 2008

Billy Goats!

Billy Goats!
I don't know how many of you have or have owned billy goats (Intact male goat) but the have a very unique smell! This smell is very potent, with a good 1/4 mile reach. Well, during "rut season" the Bucks (Billy Goats) go through a four to five month cycle were there capable of breeding. Not only do they become more "nasty" but they become more "smelly". There is no way to describe this smell unless you have smelled it. When working with a buck in rut one has to take many precautions, such as.
1. Wear very old clothes, ones you don't care if they need to be thrown away.
2. Some form of mask, to help with the smell.
3. Sturdy disposable gloves.
These are some of the precautions I use prior to handling a billy goat. Once the smell touches any object, be it clothes or skin. The smell can and will linger for up to two days. Even after washing over a dozen times you will still smell the billy goat on you and the clothes.

Keeping this in mind, today was goat de-worming and hoof trimming day. Such a lovely day. I got through all the goats including the does, with right know smell just about as strong as the billy goat. When it came time to get the billy goat out and on to the milk stand for the trimming. The way our pasture is set up, you have to go through the doe pasture to an adjacent pasture were the buck is. Meaning you have to lead the buck through the doe pasture to get to the milk stand. I decided to try and manage this all by myself! As you can imagine it was not a pritty site. I don't mean to brag but I only weigh 105lbs. Were as the billy goat weighs 130lbs. Once I got the lead on his collar I commenced to leading him through the doe pasture. Yea.........right!!!!! It took me about 3 minutes to get to the bottom gate and get it open. Trying to keep all the does from running out, while trying to hold the billy goat with one hand. Once I got through the gate the latch decided that it was going to get stuck and the buck decided he wanted back in the pasture. Weather or not it meant jumping over me to get there....... :-(

Once I got the latch fixed and the buck on the milk stand, I got a nice strong wif of that lovely billy goat smell. Its enough to make your eyes water. I got all of his hooves trimmed but one, the front left. This leg, how can I say it, it's "NASTY". I'm not going to go into detail as to why it is, but its just nasty! Luckily the buck was content just sitting there eating making the process of trimming got quite quickly. While the billy goat was eating I ran and got some help before attempting to put him back in the pasture.

Yes, I did learn my lesson!

After all this, I imediatly whent inside and took a cold shower! As I type this I can still smell the "billy goat smell" on me.....*sigh*. I just love this time of year. But now that its done I don't have to worrie about it till next month. :-) Yea!!!!

I just thought you all might find some hummor in this little story. I know I did, well after it was all

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Computer Problems and Show Time.

Let me start off by saying that I hate Computers!
They are nothing but trouble....Grrr. About two weeks ago my computer decided it was not going to turn on. The computer being a Dell Laptop at under a year old meaning I was still under warranty until September 1st. Yea, close call!!! Anyways, I contacted Dell, explained the problem and come to find out that my hard drive was done. So they sent me a replacement hard drive and now my computer is up and running again. Sounds good hu? Turns out that when you have to replace a new hard drive all the information that was on the orginial goes with that hard drive. Nedless to say I lost all the information on the old hard drive. I'm currently in the process of sending the old HD of and having a computer store try and retrieve as much information as possible. But If they can't get any information off of it, I have lost everything. I didn't think my brand new computer would crash so soon so I didn't think to make any backup discs. Learned my lesson on that one. Fortunatly, most of the music I had on my MP3 player and I have been able to get all my songs back. But I lost most of my old pictures and documents.... Oh, well I guess this gives me a chance to start new.

Anyways as for the chickens. I have some really nice birds coming along this year. Mostly Leghorns, some dutch and a very nice silkie pullet. I'm really looking forward to this fall show season, since this bunch of birds are the best I have ever owned. I'ts really exciting to know that you are actually winning with birds you have breed, hatched and condition yourself. I'm also looking forward to getting to talk with all the other exhibitors and hopefully clerk for a couple judges. I always learn the most listening to the more experienced breeders and clerking for a judge, its a lot of fun. The first show I will be attending will be the Southern Ohio Poultry Association Annual Fall Show October 4-5th 2008. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Here are a couple pictures of some very promising young birds.

Brd. Splash Silkie Pullet

SC White Leghorn Bantam Pullet (Layed her first Egg Today!)

Light Brown Dutch Bantam Cockerel

SC White Leghorn Pullet

Here is our little DD. She is really starting to fill out nicely. I can't wait to see her in Milk in next year!
Thats about it for today. I will be updating the website here shortly, once I get all my pcitures uploaded, and I will be adding a video to the Training your Harness goat page, hopefully. I might even upload some pictures of my art I have been working on, well see. Until next time!