I just recieved some information concerning the Ohio National Poultry Show.
The final count is 5,300 birds! 700 Call Ducks 1,250 Large Fowl 200 Geese
This is amazing! That is a lot of birds, esp. the call ducks! I am sooooooo excited already, I just hope that it is not going to be to cold. I hate washing birds in the cold, even in the workshop. But anyways, I look forward to seeing everyone there!
I took some pictures of my favorite SC White Leghorn Bantam Pullet. I thought I would share them with you wall. She will be going to the Ohio National this fall!
I have made an Error in my previous post title, "Senetor Obama on Meet the Press". Turns out that this article I received was not true. I have received sever e-mails concerning this article and I have found that the statement is false.
This is the website that I found my information on.
It was my fault, I should have verified the authenticity of this article. In the future I will include a verified link to the authenticity of a post.
I am sorry to cause any confusion and trouble. I appreciate anyone to let me know if there is an error in my blog. I only want to share the truth and not confuse the delicate political situation.
Thank You to all that helped me identify this error.
This week, I decided to do something different – my column is in video form. It's a newscast from a future we must make sure we never see. In it, you'll get a glimpse into our nation should Barack Obama be elected president – complete with the kinds of people he'll appoint and policies he'll enact based on Sen. Obama's real promises, positions, record and advisers. It would be comical if it weren't so scary. It is an eye-opening look at what the future could hold if we don't do everything we can to prevent it.
I encourage you to watch it (rather than read it) and forward it to everyone you know in an effort to sound the alarm before it's too late … or the news we watch next January will look something like this:
It's January 22, 2009, for 911 News, I'm Janet Porter. Two days after the inauguration of Barack Obama as president, the Middle Eastern reaction is the same. (VIDEO: TERRORISTS DANCING IN THE STREETS.) Obama campaign supporters from al-Qaida to Hamas to Hezbollah, to Islamic Jihad and the Muslim Brotherhood, continue to dance in the streets.
The "Death to America Coalition" released a statement: "We have not celebrated like this since 9/11!"
President Obama thanked campaign contributor William Ayers by appointing him as director of Homeland Security. Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon, and after 9/11 said he wished he could have done more, in a statement released today, said, "Now I can."
President Obama's close friend, mentor and pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, accepted the appointment to oversee the president's Faith Based Initiative program with the condition he would quit calling for God to damn America in public.
Obama made good on his long-held campaign promise dating back to 1996, when he told the "Independent voters of Illinois" he would outlaw all handguns. Reiterating his words on the campaign trail, Obama told gun owners to "quit being bitter and clinging to the Second Amendment of the Constitution."
President Obama followed through on his campaign promise to sign the "Freedom of Choice Act" as his first act in office. (VIDEO FROM PLANNED PARENTHOOD SPEECH MAKING PROMISE.) This effectively wipes out every pro-life law from parental notice to every ban on partial-birth abortion in all 50 states.
NICKIE NAEVE, 14 year old: "Now that Obama's president, I can get an abortion and mom or dad will never ever know!"
SANDY SLAUGHTER from KTAI (Kill Them All International): "You just worked 36 years for nothing! When Obama won we won! Ha!"
The only thing left of the abortion agenda not yet accomplished is the forced abortion policy of China.
It's been said the ACORN doesn't fall far from the tree, and with a message of gratitude for all their hard work in the elections, President Obama increased federal funding in his budget for the group best known for voting fraud. Senators were warned by ACORN if they voted against their increase in taxpayer funds, they would suffer an enormous backlash from deceased voters in their districts.
Obama said he misspoke when he referred to his health care plan as "socialized medicine," saying, "The term 'socialism' has been given a bad rap," and returned to the discussion of "government takeover of health care" and the fines for those who won't submit.
First lady Michelle Obama spent the day reading from her favorite books to elementary school children.
MICHELLE OBAMA READING TO CHILDREN: "Mr. Ayers knew America was a bad country so he and his lovely wife formed a club called 'The Weather Underground.' (To children) Can you say 'Weather Underground'?"
CHILDREN REPEAT: "Weather Underground."
MICHELLE: "They took action and stood up for what they believed (turning children's book page) in the Pentagon …"
CHILDREN: "Ka-Boom!"
JOHNNIE RAISES HIS HAND: "Mrs. Obama? Did Mr. Ayers ever say he was sorry for blowing up the Pentagon?"
MICHELLE: "No, but nobody really cares about that. Let's move to our next book, "Heather and Her Two Mommies aren't Proud of their Imperialist Country.'"
President Obama appointed his economic adviser and the former CEO of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines, as secretary of the treasury this week. Raines took office and promised to do for the American economy what he did for the housing industry. Referring to his campaign contribution to Obama's campaign, Raines was reported to have said, "That was the best $126,000 we ever spent."
As Senator John McCain predicted, the Russian aggression has moved to the Ukraine. Russian tanks rolled in and soldiers began to burn homes, schools and hospitals this morning. President Obama's immediate reaction was, once again, "We're not sure who's at fault, but this administration stands firm on the principle that we should all get along."
After he had time to talk to his 300 foreign affairs advisers, President Obama's official statement was: "Present!"
As was predicted, successful small businesses and job-providing corporations are closing their doors and moving overseas to escape the enormous tax hikes the Obama administration has imposed in an effort to use them to redistribute or "spread" the wealth. Another victim of this administration's class warfare is Joe the Plumber, who was made famous during the final presidential debate, who is moving from his beloved Holland, Ohio, to Holland. He said they're socialists too, but at least they're honest about it.
President Obama responded, "That's OK, I'll get him with the global tax I tried to pass in the Senate."
The Osama bin Laden video released yesterday has been shown to be authentic.
OSAMA speaks in Arabic.
TRANSLATOR: I am looking forward to meeting with President Barack Obama without preconditions to negotiate our demands of "submit or die." We have much in common: the same supporters, the same allies and we both have friends who blew up the Pentagon.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Tony Rezko today said he was grateful for the presidential pardon that released him from prison and said he looked forward to serving at HUD. He was happy to have even more tax dollars at his disposal than Obama was able to deliver him in the Senate.
Leader of the "Nation of Islam," Louis Farrakhan who, during the campaign, referred to Barack Obama as the "Messiah" and received an award from President Obama's church, today received another honor from the president, who asked him to be the keynote speaker at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast. Attendees were reportedly told to face east.
Farrakhan called for the loud siren signaling the Muslim call to prayer heard in Muslim Countries (and in Michigan) to be sounded in the capital five times a day. Not surprisingly, President Obama repeated the words he said in a February 27, 2007, interview with the New York Times that this call to allegiance to Allah as the "one true god" was "one of the prettiest sounds on earth."
Despite the rise in oil prices and the cry for offshore drilling, President Obama has once again appeased the environmentalists, saying he will not drill. The reaction from the Middle Eastern oil suppliers was as expected.
As promised, President Obama also overturned the Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed by President Bill Clinton. This is sure to spread homosexual marriage not just in Massachusetts, California and Connecticut, but to states like Pennsylvania, Florida and Colorado. President Obama, as he said during the campaign, opposes any efforts to protect marriage by state amendment. He also made good on his campaign promise to use the bully pulpit of the White House to place vulnerable orphan children in the homes of homosexual activists who demanded it during their Gay Pride Parade.
Conservative talk radio just became a thing of the past with President Obama answering the Democrat Congress' call for a gag rule on Rush Limbaugh, conservative and Christian talk radio. With the so-called Fairness Doctrine heading to his desk, Obama vowed to use the FCC to further tighten what used to be referred to as the freedom of speech.
And now the Obama administration is reaching the arm of censorship beyond radio into the television airwaves, starting with new … SCREEN TO SNOW.
Voice over: Help save Western Civilization. Vote McCain/Palin.
Swap meet was a very big success. Buy noon Saturday, I had sold all the roosters I took to sell. It was so crowded by noon that it was very difficult to get to the different booths. But otherwise it was a really nice turn out.
I bought a Blue Leghorn Pullet, for my Black and Blue Leghorn breeding program. She is perfect and just what I was looking for. I only paid $5.00 for her, so that was a plus to.
I also bought a pair of Brd. Buff Silkies for mom. She had been looking for some Buff silkies and I found some nice birds (Unusual for Swap Meet). They are not show quality, but they definetly are breeder quality. It looks like we will have a nice flock of silkies come next spring.
My mom also bough a pair of English Angora Rabbits, for her Spinning venture. She got a four year old blonde doe and a year old tortis shell buck. They are so soft!!!! Mom is hoping to start spinning and making clothing here very soon. I have already ordered a scarf and a pair of socks! We will also be breeding them to sell at the Swap Meets and rabbit shows.
So needless to say between me and mom we are now broke! But it was really worth it to get some good birds. I plan on getting some pictures up sometime today or tomorow of all the new aditions.
Well, I just wanted to post a short note on the Swap Meet.
I just got back from the Swap Meet, while all the venders and sellers were not yet set up, its is a very nice turn out. There are a lot of Rabbits, and Ducks. Not so many chickens, mostly everyone's extra cockerels.......(Me too!)...;-) There are quite a few puppies, goats, Llamas, horses.....ect. Even some skunks???? Yea, don't ask!....lol
If you plan on coming out, I would recommend getting their early, as the lines are going to be long and you are going to have to park a mile away. Also the fee to park is $5.00, so keep that in mind when attending.
Its time for the Lucasville Swap Meet again, October 11th and 12th. It looks like it is going to be a very nice weekend.
Saturday Oct. 11th. Partly Sunny and Nice. High of 83°F, Low of 57°F. Sunday Oct. 12th. Mostly Sunny and Very Warm. High of 81°F, Low of 58°F.
So if you are planning on coming out, looks like it is going to a very good Swap. I would recommend getting their early, as good weather tends to bring out a very large crowd come noon.
I will be selling there in the poultry building, some extra roosters.
I couldn't belive this when I read it! This really makes me mad! I want to share this with everyone, so that the world knows the truth. May God bless this country and give the people the wisdom to do the right thing in this years election!
From Sunday's Televised 'Meet the Press' Senator Obama was asked
about his stance on the American Flag. Obama Explains National Anthem Stance
Sun, 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, General Bill Ginn' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain why he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
The General also stated to the Senator that according to the United States Code,
Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. At the very least, 'Stand and Face It'
Senator Obama Live on Sunday states, 'As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides, Obama said. 'There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might salute it.'We should consider to reinvent our National Anthem as well as to redesign our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we as a Nation of warring people, should conduct ourselves as the nations of Islam, whereas peace prevails. Perhaps a state or period of mutual concord between our governments. When I become President, I will seek a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation have placed upon the nations of Islam an unfair injustice. My wife disre spects the Flag for many personal reasons. Together she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past, many years ago. She has her views and I have mine'. Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put aside my hatred. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path of hope. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America.
WHAAAAAAAT the Hell !!!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right. This could possibly be our next President.
Just some more news on the blog. I have added a couple new elements to the blog. Its not done yet, I would love to hear your feedback on what you think would be good to add to the blog. I am thinking of adding a photo album, and a video album. I don't want to have so many pictures on the main blog that it takes two hours to load. So I though a photo album would be faster.
I will also be taking reservations for birds starting in January. I will be breeding SC White Leghorn, Cream Light Brown and Light Brown Dutch bantams, Brd. Splash and Blue Silkies. If your are interesting in purchasing some birds for this coming spring just let me know early.
I will be at the Ohio National show in November and look forward to seing everyone there! Its going to be a very good show, with the Brown Leghorn Nationals.
If anyone knows of where I can get ahold of some SC Black Leghron Bantams please let me know. I have a male and would like two females to start working with the blacks.
I have some news. Due to the recent economic failure, I have decided to discontinue all my credit cards. Due to this I will no longer be able to have a website. So instead, I will be using my Blog as my website. I will upload all my pictures information onto this site. Its free and much easier to use and update. I hope this does not cause to much confusion, as I would rather not have to do all this. But Its another bill I don't have to pay. Everything else will stay the same, the e-mail and such. I will be doing quite a bit of posting the next few days getting everything worked out.