The Spring show at Lucasville was a very nice show!!!! As always! The free food, the door prizes and the sale row was very nice! Here are what pictures I could get since my camera was full.

Egyptian Goose, Champ. Light Goose.

Champion of the Game Show, a Red Shamo Cock.

1st place Cockerel, Black Rosecomb.

1st Place Cock, Black Sumatra Bantam.

Reserve Asiatic, Light Brahma Hen.

RV SC White Leghorn Cockerel.

BV Mottled Japanese Hen.

Champion American a Rhode Island Red Hen.

Reserve American a White Wyandott Hen.

BB Splash Silkie Hen.

Cochin Row.

I took these because I get a lot of people asking me who owned what bird. Well, I can never remember all the names, so I just took pictures of the Awards wall. I hope this helps.

The awards table.

RB Light Brahma Cock.

BB Black Standard Cochin.

Champion Row.

BB, BBRed Malay Cock Jr. show.

RB, Mottled Houdan Cock.

BV Blue Sumatra Cock.

BB Standard Black Langshan Cock, Jr. Show.

I'm not sure what his placing is????

Reserve Champion Game, Red Cock.

Champion Turkey, a Narragansett Tom.

Reserve Champion Turkey, a Burban Red Tom.

Champion and Reserve Guinea.

Champion Light Dutch, a White Runner Hen.

Champion Heavy Duck White Pekin Hen.

Champ. AOSB a Black Sumatra Hen, also Champion Large Fowl.

Reserve Continental a Mottled Houdan Hen.

Champion Continental a Silver Spangled Hamburg Hen.

Reserve RCCL, a Silver Sebright Pullet.

RB Wheaton? Modern Cock.

RB BBRed OE Hen.

Reserve SCCL a White Rock Pullet.

Reserve Featherleg a Millie Fluer D'Uccle Hen.

Reserve AOCCL a Black Sumatra Hen.

Champion RCCL a Black Rosecomb Pullet.

Champion Featherleg a White Cochin Cockerel.

BB, Champion Bantam Duck, Champion Waterfowl and Champion of the Show a White Call old male.

Champion SCCL a White Japanese Hen.

BB OE a BBRed Cock.

BB a Red Pyle Modern Cockerel.

Champion AOCCL a Black Sumatra Cock.

Reserve English a Black Australorp Cock.

Champion English a Buff Orpington Hen.

Reserve Mediterranean a SC White Leghorn Hen.

Champion Mediterranean a SC White Leghorn Cock.

Champion Asiatic and Reserve Large Fowl a Black Langshan Cock.

Champion Goose an Brown African Male?

BB a SC White Leghorn Hen.

RB a SC Light Brown Leghorn Hen.

BB a Light Brown Dutch Bantam Cockerel.

RB a Light Brown Dutch Bantam Hen.

BV a Cream Light Brown Dutch Bantam Hen.

RV a Cream Light Brown Dutch Bantam Hen.
If any corrections need to be made, just let me know so I can change them.
1 comment:
It is very nice pictures and beautiful winner. see my blog
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