I got around to taking some good pictures of the critters. Enjoy! :-)

Camille, She's really starting to fill out! I can't wait for my first Obie babies.

Such a beautiful face!

Jacques, handsome as ever!

DeeDee, such a goofball!

Our Standard Dark Brahma Cock.

A young LB Dutch Cockerel. This is one of the two chicks that hatched on Thanksgiving Day 2009, along with his sister below.

A young LB Dutch Pullet.

A SC Black Leghorn Pullet, who wouldn't pose!

A SC Black Leghorn Cockerel.

A young Brassy Cockerel, part of a new Leghorn breeding project.

A Brassy Pullet, also part of my new Leghorn breeding project.

Red Eyed White Jersey Woolly Sr. Doe.

Smoked Pearl Marten Jersey Woolly Jr. Buck.

And I saved the best for last! Our first Jersey Woolly Kit all lined up for their picture! TO CUTE!

1 comment:
Tiff, your animals are all nice.
Really like the bunny babies so cute.
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