Hey everyone! I have took some first of the year farm pictures.

Fawn Call Ducks, and a Chocolate Call Hen.

Brd. Buff and Splash Silkie Hens.

Brd. Buff Silkie Cockerel.

Chocolate English Angora Buck.

Fawn English Angora Doe.

Impala our dairy doe, being goofy as usual.

Jack Jack, a black dairy wether.

DD, a half Kiko doeling.

The herd, with Samson looking to see if someone brought him something to eat.

Impala looking fat and ready to go any day now! Can't wait for babies!

The Chickies enjoying some winter sun.

Minnie Guarding the chickens.....lol.

Sittin Pretty.

Law Grey Game Trio.

Law Grey Hens.

A very nice LB Dutch Bantam Cockerel! I can't wait to get some chicks from him!

SC Black Leghorn Cockerel. I wish I could find him a mate....blacks are hard to come buy.

My Favorite Rooster ever. He is so elegant and docile. He is going on 4 years old and still breeds better than any other Leghorn rooster I have ever had.
Well, that's the farm as of right know. I will be starting my breeding pens up this coming week, and hopefully I will set my first batch of eggs the last week of January! I'm looking for an Incubator right know...so as soon as I get one, breeding season will be in full swing!
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