Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ice Storm 2009.

You may have noticed I haven't been online much here lately. Well, reason being I have been without power for three days, having it turned on yesterday afternoon. I don't know how many of you remember the ice storm of 2003, but it was very nasty. We didn't have electric for 5 days that year.....

This storm wasn't as bad due to the fact, most of the old weak trees got "weeded" out from the first ice storm. I have included some pictures from midday Wednesday, right after the freezing rain stopped and it started snowing again. The main concern was the snow putting more weight on the already burdened trees. Luckily we only lost a couple of trees and a dozen branches and limbs. The cleaning up hasn't been to much fun, the ground is still ice. I have had Samson (my harness goat) pulling limbs the past couple days, since I have been unable to convince the 4-wheeler to start.

I work at the Library and due to the weather we had two snow days. This helped because there was no way I was going to get out of the driveway with my Grand Prix. The 4-wheel drive Suburban had some difficulty. It took me three hours yesterday to get all the ice off my car, and the limb that had fallen on it removed. The limb left some nasty gouges in my hood, but thank goodness that was all.

Other than that, not much to report. Cloud our other dairy doe, gave birth the day before the ice storm, with twins. A doe named Sassafras and a buck named ??? He doesn't have a name I will try to get some pictures of them tomorrow if my camera is charged by then. I will also try and get some updated pictures of Impalas twins.

Also, the title to this post, "Ice Storm 2009" is a link, click it and it will take you to a local news site, with more pictures from the ice storm in KY, WV, and OH. Stay safe out there everyone!

Looking into the barnyard.

My Car, one solid sheet of ice, you can see the limb dangling really close at this point.

The road....a nice skating rink.

Our beautiful flowering peach tree, it lost two large limbs in the back and will have to be removed...*sniff* *sniff*

No, this is not a Pine Tree, its actually a Pin Oak....heavy with ice and snow.

The precarious drive way. So not fun trying to get out of!

Well, that's it for the ice storm pictures. Please keep the rest of the Ice Storm victims still without power in your prayers.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Goats!

We finally have our first baby goats! Born 01-20-09 around noon. We have twin bucks, on is solid black and the other is colored almost like Oberhasli, only he has a white belly. The black on is Angus, and the Brown one is Orion.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Edward Drawing

I wanted to share with you all a drawing I did of the Actor Robert Patterson, who played the role of Edward in the movie Twilight. I could post this earlier due to the fact it was a Christmas present for a friend. The picture does not due it justice.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Day Photos

Hey everyone! I have took some first of the year farm pictures.

Fawn Call Ducks, and a Chocolate Call Hen.

Brd. Buff and Splash Silkie Hens.

Brd. Buff Silkie Cockerel.

Chocolate English Angora Buck.

Fawn English Angora Doe.

Impala our dairy doe, being goofy as usual.

Jack Jack, a black dairy wether.

DD, a half Kiko doeling.

The herd, with Samson looking to see if someone brought him something to eat.

Impala looking fat and ready to go any day now! Can't wait for babies!

The Chickies enjoying some winter sun.

Minnie Guarding the

Sittin Pretty.

Law Grey Game Trio.

Law Grey Hens.

A very nice LB Dutch Bantam Cockerel! I can't wait to get some chicks from him!

SC Black Leghorn Cockerel. I wish I could find him a mate....blacks are hard to come buy.

My Favorite Rooster ever. He is so elegant and docile. He is going on 4 years old and still breeds better than any other Leghorn rooster I have ever had.

Well, that's the farm as of right know. I will be starting my breeding pens up this coming week, and hopefully I will set my first batch of eggs the last week of January! I'm looking for an Incubator right as soon as I get one, breeding season will be in full swing!