Monday, April 27, 2009

Dayton Fancy Feather Club Show Results

Here are some pictures from the Dayton Fancy Feather Club Show on April 25-26th. It was a very nice show, and had wonderful weather!


The Awards Table.

Reserve American, Silver Laced Wyandott Hen.

Best AOSB, Red Pyle Modern Game Hen, By: Bill Wulff

Champion Featherleg, White Cochin Bantam Hen.

Champion SCCL, Black Tailed White Japanese Cockerel.

Champion Modern Game, a Silver Blue Hen.

Reserve Modern Game, Red Pyle Cockerel.

Reserve Featherleg, a Brd. White Silkie Hen.

Reserve AOCCL a White Creasted Black Polish Hen.

Champion AOCCL a Dark Cornish Hen.

RB a SC Light Brown Leghorn Hen by: Mark Atwood

Reserve Mediterranean, SC Light Brown Leghorn Cock.

Champion English, a Black Australorp Cock.

Reserve AOSB, a Black Sumatra Hen.

Champion Asiatic, Light Brahma Cock.

Champion American, a White Rock Hen.

Champion Bantam Duck, a White Call Cock.

Reserve Asiatic, a Black Langshan Hen.

BB, a Light Brown Dutch Cockerel, By: Blue Run Bantams

RB, a Blue Cream Light Brown Dutch Cockerel, By: The Frank Family.

BB Jr. Show, a BBRed Cubalaya Cockerel.

BB, a SC Rhode Island Red Cockerel.

BB, Jr. Show, a Mottled Houdan Hen.

Champion Turkey, Jr. Show, a Bourbon Red Tom.

BV a Self Blue Belgian D'Anver Hen.

BB, a Quail D'Anver Hen.

RB Golden Sebright Cock.

BB, a Buff Brahma Hen.

Champion Heavy Goose, a white Embden Goose.

Reserve Heave Goose, a Gray Toulouse Gander.

Best Game, in the Game Show. a Red Malay Stag.

BB, a Standard Black Old English Cock.

BV, a RC Dark Brown Leghorn Cockerel, 3rd Best overall leghorn.

BB, a Speckled Sussex Hen.

BV, a SC Dark Brown Leghorn Cockerel.

RV, a SC Light Brown Leghorn Cock.

BV, a SC White Leghorn Cock.

RV, a SC White Leghorn Hen, By: Blue Run Bantams

Matt Lhamon Judging the Old English Bantams.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Right to Bear Arms

This gives you the right to make your opinion heard. It takes 5 seconds It is still a live link.

Our new Attorney General has already said this is one of his major issues. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete.

Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time.

Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month.

This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms.

First - vote on this one. Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published. Vote in the USA Today poll - click on the link below. The Question is: Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms? Vote here: