Friday, December 18, 2009

Ready to Start Hatching!

Its almost time to start hatching! For this year I have made some upgrades to my Incubator, including a new viewing window, new door seal and a new Thermometer/Hygrometer. Hopefully if all goes accordingly I should have my first batch set by the 22nd of December. The hens are starting to lay, slowly. The weather isn't helping matters, it's been cold barely getting out of the teen's at night and 30's during the day. Not good temperatures for egg laying.

I'm still taking orders for the Spring season in White Leghorn, LB Dutch and Black Leghorn. I should have shipping available in the spring.

We have two due dates for our Dairy does this year. Our first doe DeeDee will be due on February 22nd-25th. Our second doe Gabby on March 25th-28th. Both does are breed to Jack our Oberhasli buck. Keep an eye out for baby goat pictures in February and March!
The Incubator and Brooders.

New Viewing window.

Temporary Brooders.

These two little LB Dutch chicks are the chicks that hatched on Thanksgiving Day. Looks like it's a Cockerel, "Lee" and a Pullet, "Donna".