Well, I just have to get some things out in the open, especially on my political views. Now as for the title to this note, "I am willing to die for my fellow Americans!". I am willing to give my life to defend the rights of our Constitution, Christianity, and the American Citizen. But let me tell, I am not dying or fighting for my government or anyone who would go against my beliefs and what my country stands for.
1.First of all, I am soooo sick and tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama!
Anyone who votes for Hillary or even considers it, is either a fool or brainwashed. Can't people see past that cheesy, lying, communistic front of hers. What I can't understand is why anyone would want another Clinton in office in the first place, not excluding the fact she is a women! Wake Up PEOPLE! Shes a communistic Natzi, she wants to take away all our rights and freedoms. Force us to surrender our Firearms, and livestock (Implementing the NAIS program). I'm sorry but a women does not belong in power to govern our great nation. The woman was not built to lead, but to follow, and love.
Now as for anyone who would even consider voting for Barrack Obama, you are an Idiot. He is a Muslim! There should be no further discussion. If you are willing to let a Muslim, the same race and religion that we are fighting against to protect our country; govern our nation! I truly pray for anyone who would vote for him. I don't care what the tabloids and newspapers say about him "not being a Muslim". He went to a Muslim school, Red Flag! Not only is he a Muslim, he won't salute our flag, the very flag we have fought for, for so many years. Millions of our brave men and women have fought to protect that flag and what it stands for. You all should be ashamed of yourselves! He is a disgrace to this country and will ruin everything we (as a free and Independent America) have fought and died for. I don't know about you, but I am 100% pure Christian! I would rather die than let my president tell me that I have to convert to Muslim in order to live in peace without prosecution, in my own country! Sure you say, No thats never going to happen, come one think outside the box! Can't you see it!!!!!!
I am not trying to tell you who to vote for, but I am asking that you seriously consider the consequences and the repercussions that there may be. Think about your future and the future of your family, do you really want them living in a communistic state or having to grow up to be a Muslim. If you just open your eyes, do your research out away from all the popular news reals and see what is really going on that the government and tabloids don't want you to know about. You will be surprised what you will learn! Remember we are the United States of America, Under God. We fought for our freedom once and we can do it again. And if your curious who I am voting for, so far. Its Mike Huckabee. I also do not like McCain! He is just a Liberal Democrat on the Republican side.
2.Now on to my second rant! Lets start with this saying, "Anyone willing to give up a freedom for security deserves neither freedom or security!"
I have to say that who ever wrote that quote couldn't have said that any better. This generation of Americans are...how can I put this easily......LAZY! Yes I said it we are all Lazy, and yes I am guilty of it too! I really put this next part out there for the Christian community. Do you realize that we have just laid down and let the government run all over us! We haven't stood up for our beliefs and morals, and therefore we have lost them. The Christian community needs to be heard, stop giving up our freedom and right to remain safe and comfortable. Yes, standing up and voicing our opinion is going to cause a great uproar and possible even a civil war. But what are we hear for? Think about this for a minute, what is our purpose as Christian Americans. We all have a reason for being here. God does have a plan, he wouldn't want us to just lay there and do nothing. There are so many issues out there, and so little people willing to fight them. Such as the same sex marriage issue! How can you as a Christian, not oppose such an act! We need to fight these issues, make ourselves heard. Quit letting anyone who opposes us, walk all over us. Don't let them take away our freedoms, rights, beliefs, and justice. Its not worth it, it may seem that we are safe and comfortable now, but look to the future!
3.Foreign Policy!
Ok, this is also something that has been bothering me for a while. I'm sure you have heard of the Economical crisis in our country. Well, in case you haven't heard, all our jobs are overseas! DUH! I doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why we are in recession right now. I have had first hand experience with this issue. I got a job last year, kept it for 5 months, then had to quite due to health reasons. Since October 2007, I have applied to more than five big corporations, including CVS, GE, and Staples. I have not got a call back on a single one of these jobs, and its not because I am not qualified. Its because there just isn't enough jobs and money to support the growing population. Employers have outsourced in other countries taking away jobs from the hard working American Employee, and the hire illegal immigrants to work for cheaper pay. Its time for America to bring back our jobs!!!! Run the Illegals out of our country, secure the border, and start up jobs for American citizens.
Now to continue to the Immigration issue. This is our country (the United States of America) not the United States of Mexico. There is such a simple fix to this issue, secure the border! Bring back our old laws for securing the border, they sure worked better that what we have now. Also, I don't think illegal aliens deserve the right to welfare or social security. Thats the US taxpayers money, give it back! I don't think that any child born from illegal aliens in the United States deserves to be given US citizenship! Its time to secure our borders and save our jobs!
As for the Iraq deal. I oppose our being over there. We have done what we needed to do, its time to bring our boys home. Its time for the United States to stop trying to Police the world and start worrying about issues on the home front. There is nothing between us and any other country to invade! Our military is all overseas fighting everyone else's war! Another reason to uphold the Second Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms, and call up a militia against a tyrannical government. Just think, if US citizens weren't allowed to own firearms, what would there be to stop our government, or another country from coming in and taking over. Our military wouldn't be able to stop them, like I said they are overseas fighting everyone else's war. Think about that one for a while, give it time to sink in.
4.Offending Someone!
I can about guarantee that I am going to offend someone with this letter, well guess what................I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!! You know what, you offend me by saying that I offended you! I have my right to freedom of speech, and you are never going to take that away from me!
this is what we are, as Americans, now, always and forever!
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