This is for the Christian Americans
I'm writing this for all Christian Americans who plan to vote in this yeas election. I'm not going to judge anyone or put anyone down about there decision. The decision you make is yours, and yours alone. I just want to put into perspective for everyone, what America has become and what is should still stand for. I know that just about everyone is sick and tired of this election and doesn't want to read or hear any more about it. I understand this, and I couldn't agree more. I just wanted to say this, before the election is over so that I know I have tried to open the hearts and minds of the Christian Americans living and voting in this election.
It has been many, many years since we have had a president that would stand up for the rights, and beliefs of America. Every president has had his mistakes, that has offended one side or the other. You can't please everyone, but the difference's is what makes America what it is. I get tired of people, saying they aren't voting for one party or another due to what the previous president and his party has done. The political parties have nothing to do with the personal beliefs and standings of a person. For instance, say I'm in party A and my best friend is in party B. Party A believes in eating only chicken, while party B believes in only eating beef. OK, now say, party "Member" A decides he likes to eat both beef and chicken, and the same with party "Member" B. They both can still be part of their political party but they can have their own personal beliefs that have nothing to do with what their party stands for. So many people or voting based on the candidates political party and not even paying attention to that persons personal beliefs and standings. I'm saying that before you make your decision on who your voting for, look deep into that persons beliefs. What does this person believe in, is he or she a Christian believer, devoted to the word of God and willing to stand up for Christian Americans? Does this person have a good political record, standing up for Christians? Such as being Pro-Life, Ant-Gay Rights, Pro-Constitution? These are things you should look at beyond the "political party" their associated with. I know that many of you are extremely devoted to your political party, and will vote for only that party. I'm simply asking you, as a Christian American to take a few minutes to do some research into the party candidates personal beliefs.
What America is know, is not what it was 100 years ago. Americans have become lazy and submissive, instead of standing up and defending their rights. When our ancestors came to searching for a new land. Why did we come searching for this new land? All though they had different beliefs, they all one thing in common. They all wanted Freedom! They wanted a place were they could live without tyranny or oppression from a tyrannical government. These people fought and died to give us the greatest gift a country can have. Freedom! The right to Free Speech, the right to Bear Arms, the Right to Religion, all established under the United States Constitution. The Constitution was the most important document of its time and was signed by good upstanding Christians. Unfortunately, the Constitution has become no more than a piece of paper. Politicians manipulate it to make it how they want it to be. Many people have forgotten or just don't know, what the Constitution stands for. We as Christian Americans have failed to uphold what we have fought so hard to obtain and sustain for our future children. What future is their know for the children of America? With the mess we have created and are creating, how are they to live with our gift of Freedom, if we don't act now. I'm asking that you also look into each political candidates standing here. Looking beyond the political party, what is the standing of the candidate when it comes to the Constitution? Do they uphold the Rights given to us according to the Constitution?
It can be hard sometimes, to really see what a candidate really stands for. They twist and contort words to make them sound truly better than they actually are. This is the problem with politicians, they can make the people believe what they want them to believe simply with manipulation of words. In order to understand what they really believe in, you have to look past the "Media", the "Press, the "Political Party" and look deep into that persons affairs, both present and past. Its our right as Christian Americans to know the truth, and although the truth can be hard to find, It can be found. I know many people that have looked deeper into a candidates standings, and it has changed their understanding of that person. If you will, just take a few minutes to look beyond all this political nonsense, deep into the candidates beliefs and standings.
No matter what decision you make, you will now know for sure who you are voting for and what he or she really stands for. I pray for everyone that they make the right decision on who should be next to lead our great country. Remember the future of America is in your hands.
I promise that this is my last political blog until the elections are over. I have done what I can to help open the eyes of my fellow Americans. The rest is in God's hands.
I'm writing this for all Christian Americans who plan to vote in this yeas election. I'm not going to judge anyone or put anyone down about there decision. The decision you make is yours, and yours alone. I just want to put into perspective for everyone, what America has become and what is should still stand for. I know that just about everyone is sick and tired of this election and doesn't want to read or hear any more about it. I understand this, and I couldn't agree more. I just wanted to say this, before the election is over so that I know I have tried to open the hearts and minds of the Christian Americans living and voting in this election.
It has been many, many years since we have had a president that would stand up for the rights, and beliefs of America. Every president has had his mistakes, that has offended one side or the other. You can't please everyone, but the difference's is what makes America what it is. I get tired of people, saying they aren't voting for one party or another due to what the previous president and his party has done. The political parties have nothing to do with the personal beliefs and standings of a person. For instance, say I'm in party A and my best friend is in party B. Party A believes in eating only chicken, while party B believes in only eating beef. OK, now say, party "Member" A decides he likes to eat both beef and chicken, and the same with party "Member" B. They both can still be part of their political party but they can have their own personal beliefs that have nothing to do with what their party stands for. So many people or voting based on the candidates political party and not even paying attention to that persons personal beliefs and standings. I'm saying that before you make your decision on who your voting for, look deep into that persons beliefs. What does this person believe in, is he or she a Christian believer, devoted to the word of God and willing to stand up for Christian Americans? Does this person have a good political record, standing up for Christians? Such as being Pro-Life, Ant-Gay Rights, Pro-Constitution? These are things you should look at beyond the "political party" their associated with. I know that many of you are extremely devoted to your political party, and will vote for only that party. I'm simply asking you, as a Christian American to take a few minutes to do some research into the party candidates personal beliefs.
What America is know, is not what it was 100 years ago. Americans have become lazy and submissive, instead of standing up and defending their rights. When our ancestors came to searching for a new land. Why did we come searching for this new land? All though they had different beliefs, they all one thing in common. They all wanted Freedom! They wanted a place were they could live without tyranny or oppression from a tyrannical government. These people fought and died to give us the greatest gift a country can have. Freedom! The right to Free Speech, the right to Bear Arms, the Right to Religion, all established under the United States Constitution. The Constitution was the most important document of its time and was signed by good upstanding Christians. Unfortunately, the Constitution has become no more than a piece of paper. Politicians manipulate it to make it how they want it to be. Many people have forgotten or just don't know, what the Constitution stands for. We as Christian Americans have failed to uphold what we have fought so hard to obtain and sustain for our future children. What future is their know for the children of America? With the mess we have created and are creating, how are they to live with our gift of Freedom, if we don't act now. I'm asking that you also look into each political candidates standing here. Looking beyond the political party, what is the standing of the candidate when it comes to the Constitution? Do they uphold the Rights given to us according to the Constitution?
It can be hard sometimes, to really see what a candidate really stands for. They twist and contort words to make them sound truly better than they actually are. This is the problem with politicians, they can make the people believe what they want them to believe simply with manipulation of words. In order to understand what they really believe in, you have to look past the "Media", the "Press, the "Political Party" and look deep into that persons affairs, both present and past. Its our right as Christian Americans to know the truth, and although the truth can be hard to find, It can be found. I know many people that have looked deeper into a candidates standings, and it has changed their understanding of that person. If you will, just take a few minutes to look beyond all this political nonsense, deep into the candidates beliefs and standings.
No matter what decision you make, you will now know for sure who you are voting for and what he or she really stands for. I pray for everyone that they make the right decision on who should be next to lead our great country. Remember the future of America is in your hands.
I promise that this is my last political blog until the elections are over. I have done what I can to help open the eyes of my fellow Americans. The rest is in God's hands.
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