Its been a while since I have posted anything, I am a bad Well, really there isn't much to update on. I have set 37 eggs in the incubator due to hatch the first week in April. I have a silkie hen sitting on eggs that are due to hatch next monday. I've been working on building a new website, since me and Yahoo Geocities havn't been getting along. So I went to a new server, and so far they have worked out very well. The website is almost finished so I will post the link to it.
Blue Run Bantams
I still have to update the link page and show pictures.
I also wanted to let everyone know I have some birds for sale.
A Trio of SC White Leghorn Bantams for $50.00

A Quad of SC White Leghorn Bantams for $50.00 1 Cockerel and 3 Hens.

A SC Black Leghorn Cockerel for $10.00. He does have some white on him and I will try and get an updated picture.
I can deliver to shows I will be attending. This spring I plan on going to Southeast Ohio Poultry Association Show in Merrietta Ohio, Dayton Fancy Feather Club Greenville Ohio Show, and Southern Ohio Poultry Association Spring Show in Lucasville Ohio. If you have any question just e-mail me at
Blue Run Bantams
I still have to update the link page and show pictures.
I also wanted to let everyone know I have some birds for sale.
A Trio of SC White Leghorn Bantams for $50.00

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