Thursday, May 14, 2009

Around the Farm.

I'm really a bad Well, I took some pictures from around the farm today. Hopefully these will help make up for the lack of posts.
Not much has been going on around the farm lately, mostly hatching, hatching and more hatching. I have out five batches of chicks right know, and more on the way. I'm really working on getting the black and blue Leghorns out. I'm also trying to hatch out some LB Dutch chicks, since the Eastern Dutch National is going to be at the Ohio National this year!
I've been working on some drawings, nothing major right know. I would like the get started on a series of drawings I have in mind. It would be a series of Secretariat the race horse....but I haven't really started on that yet.
I would also like to mention that the movie "Star Trek" that is out right know is by far the best movie I have seen this year! The graphics were awesome, the acting and story line was very close to the original TV series. Not only was the movie the best, but the previews were amazing! Previews for G.I. Joe, Terminator Salvation, and Transformers 2! All of the previews looked awesome. So if you can get a chance to go and see Star Trek in theaters, it will be well worth your time.......LOL! I know I'm a GEEK!
Well enjoy the pictures!

Japanese Maple in Spring Colors.

Fluffy Bunnie!

SC White Leghorn Bantam Hens....with eggs!

Black Leghorn Pullet, with LB Dutch Cockerel in background.

Black, Blue Leghorns, LB Dutch and Brd. Splash and Blue Silkies.

The Young Cockerels, and Pullets out in the runs.

Leghorn Cockerels, enjoying warm weather.

Minnie on alert for Squirrels and Rabbits!

Jack, our Ober boy.

I'm watching you!

Baby goat.

Samson parked out.

Impala, she looks so nice and shiny. I like the rooster in the middle of crowing to the right.

Sassy, so pretty!

SC White Leghorn Cock still molting.

Handsome white Leghorn Cock.

Dutch, Langshan and Game chicks.

Dutch and Leghorn chicks.

Brooders, closed for the night.

The Incubator with its newly installed automatic watering I'm high tech!

Ameraucana, Araucana, Silkie and Silkie Crosses, Red Game, and Langshan chicks.

Yesterdays egg count!

Green Sponges, Red Feather Dusters, and a Snail in the Reef Tank.

White Bubble tip Anemone, only had it a month and its already split.

Lavender Mushroom that has split three times.

Maroon clown fish, and Anemone.

The whole Nano tank, 20 Gal. 56 Watt lighting. It has been up for three months. The water, fish and rock work have been set up for a year, in a separate tank, we just upgraded to a better system. So in whole the tank is a year and three months old.

I can't seem to get a picture that doesn't show some form of glare.

The Irises have bloomed, theses are the Giant ones. We also have three other colors that haven't bloomed yet, they will be dark purple and gold and maroon.

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